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Monday, 18 February 2013

(Android) windows 8

We all knew the day was coming when Windows 8 would being mentioned on a more serious note. With roll out of Microsoft’s OS reportedly only a few short months away, developers and users alike who decide to upgrade will be scrambling to get their Android tools working on the new OS—and that includes basic tools like ADB and Fastboot. Currently, it’s been reported that users are having some problems with getting those two working on Windows 8. Luckily, users over in the HTC EVO 3D department got a fix working.
XDA Senior Member Luthien1 has posted a quick tutorial that should get ADB and Fastbootworking again for anyone running Windows 8. With this, at least average users on Windows 8 won’t have to downgrade or anything ridiculous like that in order to use the basic Android stuff.
While written with a focus for HTC devices, the process is actually universal. Simply substitute the HTC Drivers that are linked for download in the thread with the Samsung, LG, Motorola, etc equivalents, and you’re on your way. The process is not all that much different than getting everything installed on a Windows 7 machine, but it does have to be done in a specific order and there are a few frustrating moments. Says Luthien1:
make sure you dont let computer go into idle and if files arent downloading correctly, simply redo the update till everything updates properly, might take a few times because windows 8 isnt optimized yet for file transfer, who knows, etc
Small annoyances aside, if you’re running the Windows 8 consumer preview and don’t want to have to restore Windows 7 or boot into a different OS in order to use something as basic as ADB, this is the fix for you. For additional help, the download links to HTC Drivers and more, hit up the original thread.

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